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Roles and Responsibilities

The project scientist will lead a Waterhackweek project. In this role, the project scientist will:

  • pitch project and interact with all interested participants during networking.
  • coordinate team building with other instructors to an optimal size of 4-7 total participants per team.
  • populate original GIthub project repository and readme following the Project Guidelines.
  • coordinate with 1-2 Data Scientists to support the team, especially for the development of Github workflows that work for everyone to be able to contribute code.
  • oversee data management; be sure you have permission and consent to use data you share in the project and follow professional standards while using data for training that may be used in future publications. Here is a good resource on publication of data and consent ethics.
  • facilitate team work.
  • coordinate team activities and code to answer the reserch question; data, code, and tools originally proposed may change.
  • make sure that everyone partcipates in the project.
  • support each individual on your team to meeting their individual goals.