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Data science projects are becoming increasingly complex, and new tools are needed to manage contributions from different individuals and teams. At waterhackweek we would like to introduce you to project management tools built in to GitHub. We invite you to use these tools during our event for your projects, and hopefully continue to contribute to this collaborative work after the event is over.

GitHub Tools

All participants will be added to the waterhackweek organization page. GitHub organizations are shared accounts allowing people to collaborate across many projects at once. Once projects are formed participants will be organized into teams. Teams are convenient because we can set repository permissions to groups of people rather than individuals, and in our communcations the teams can be mentioned in issues.

Getting started with a Project

Each WaterHackWeek project should be initiated by adding a New Repository to the WaterHackWeek organization at https://github.com/waterhackweek. The project name should follow the sequence whw_short_snappy_title, for example, see this Geohackweek project repository from 2018. ghw2018_web_portal_inlandwater_co2

Once you have created your project repository, populate the readme with the structure provided in the Project Guidelines. Finally, go to the Waterhackweek Projects Github repository and edit the readme table to include a hyperlink to your project where you have the option of adding other details like Slack Channel link, data locations, and other details about project and data science leadership on the project.