Machine Learning

Example algorithms of machine learning


Teaching: 10 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What are some widely used machine learning algorithms?

  • What category do they belong to?

  • Gain an conceptual understanding of some example machine learning algorithms

Linear Regression

(Supervised learning, regression)

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Figure: Illustration of linear regression (image source:

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Figure: Multivariate linear regression (image source: StackExchange).

Kernel Smoother

(Supervised learning, regression)

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(image source: Hastie et al. (2016): The Elements of Statistical Learning, Second Edition, Chapter 6.

Logistic Regression

(Supervised learning, classification)

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Comparison of linear regression fit and logistic regression fit for a binary outcome data set. In this example, the x-axis is the input variable, credit card balance, and the y-axis is whether or not defaulting happened (image source:

Decision Tree and Random Forest

(Supervised learning, classification or regression)

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Figure: Illustration of a decision flowchart (image source:

K-Means Clustering

(Unsupervised learning)

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Illustration of clustering (image source:

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

(Unsupervised learning)

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Figure: For a input dataset with two variables, the PCA algorithm finds the first principal component that accounts for the largest data variability (the longer vector in the figure) and the second principal component that is orthogonal to the first one (the shorter vector in the figure) (image source:

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Figure: Example PCA application in atmospheric sciences. Here “residual SST field” is sea surface temperature from which the variability associated with the ENSO cycle has been removed (image source: Zhang et al. (2017): ENSO-like Interdecadal Variability: 1900–93, Journal of Climage).

Neural Network and Deep Learning

(Supervised or unsupervised learning, classification or regression)

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Figure: Illustration of a neural network with two hidden layers (image source:

Key Points