Machine Learning

This lesson is a template for creating waterhackweek lessons.

It is based on the lesson template used in Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry workshops and 2018 Geohackweek.


09:00 What is machine learning? What is machine learning? How is it different from traditional algorithms?
09:05 Major categories of machine learning What are the major categories of machine learning?
What are some example applications for each?
09:10 Example algorithms of machine learning What are some widely used machine learning algorithms?
What category do they belong to?
09:20 Machine learning is NOT magical! - Data exploration, model selection and evaluation What are good practices of building machine learning models?
How to objectively evaluate model performance?
What are some tools for model diagnosis?
09:30 Machine Learning Resources What are some machine learning applications in water resources research?
What are some basic examples of libraries to explore?
09:35 Finish